Happiness Circle


A Fresh Approach To Happiness

Happiness Circle
Reviving Lives

Happiness Circle is a non-profit organization that aims at
spreading joy and happiness to underprivileged children

Why Choose Happiness Circle

Welcome To Happiness Circle

Happiness Circle is a non profit initiative that aims at spreading joy and happiness to underprivileged children, children in sickness and adults at old age homes. His endeavor is to bring a smile to their faces and add cheer to their lives. “Happiness held is a seed, happiness shared is the flower” – John Harrigan, is what Happiness Circle stands for. Spreading the love and happiness to those who have little reason to smile is the mission of the HAPPINESS CIRCLE.

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Happy Customers
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Days Of Programs
Awards Winning
Workout Sessions
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Happy Customers
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Days Of Programs
Awards Winning

About Us

Meet The Founder

Vihaan Tannan is a grade 9 student of the Bombay International School. He is an avid Lego builder and loves magic. Combining his passions he founded Happiness Circle. Over the years he found that when he taught someone Lego they were happy and engaged. Magic always brought a smile to everyone’s face. He realized he had the potential to make people happy and thus the Happiness Circle was born. In the words of Phylis Diller, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

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Physical Activity

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Daily Health

Improving Health

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